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EMB Pretty

10ml hand-blended Jesmonite pigments

10ml hand-blended Jesmonite pigments

정가 £4.50 GBP
정가 할인가 £4.50 GBP
할인 품절
세금이 포함된 가격입니다. 배송료는 결제 시 계산됩니다.
Number of Bottles
Subscription options
£4.50 GBP
£4.05 GBP

언제든지 자동 갱신하거나 건너뛰거나 취소할 수 있습니다.

Subscription options
£12.50 GBP
£11.25 GBP

언제든지 자동 갱신하거나 건너뛰거나 취소할 수 있습니다.

Subscription options
£20.00 GBP
£18.00 GBP

언제든지 자동 갱신하거나 건너뛰거나 취소할 수 있습니다.

Subscription options
£26.00 GBP
£23.40 GBP

언제든지 자동 갱신하거나 건너뛰거나 취소할 수 있습니다.

Subscription options
£32.50 GBP
£29.25 GBP

언제든지 자동 갱신하거나 건너뛰거나 취소할 수 있습니다.

카트에 추가하려면 제품 페이지로 이동하여 구매 옵션을 선택하세요

Hand-blended water-based pigments for jesmonite, plaster and other gypsum-based resins

Find our full colour range on the ‘Colour Palettes’ page

Choose from a wide range of colours- please leave your colour choices in a note at checkout

Make sure to shake well for at least 30 seconds and add pigments slowly- a little goes a long way

Suitable for use with Jesmonite AC100/300/730, plaster and aqua resin

Important information

Each pigment is made using a specific formula, however as these are hand-blended there may be very slight variations between batches

Suitable for use with Jesmonite AC100/300/730, plaster and aqua resin

*Concrete may need a larger quantity of pigment to give the same level of saturation shown in the swatch images*



Care information

• Shake well for at least 30 seconds
• Add slowly to avoid over-saturation
• Use no more than 2% of the total mixture weight


Water-based pigments

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