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Whether you are looking for something unique to your business, or there’s something specific you have in mind, we can work with you to create your perfect piece

From the initial design, to a 3D printed prototype, you will be involved throughout the creative process

We’ll dive in by getting a sense of what you want, then we'll craft the initial design

*Each individual design is subject to a one-off design fee which includes the first design and minor changes e.g. size, slight changes to shape such as corner rounding

We help you tweak designs and adjust sizes to your liking*

*changes that require more than 30 minutes of design work are subject to an hourly rate

Once you’ve given thumbs up, the design is used to craft a 3D printed prototype

*If you choose to have the prototype sent to you, you will be given a quote for the prototype which must be paid before we print it

Ready to take the next step? Once we're good with the prototype, it's time to make some silicone moulds and jump into casting

*We will quote a total price and a price per unit, once paid we will start casting your pieces

You receive your custom-made goodies, and your idea comes alive!

Image courtesy of Dress Your Space

Ready to get started?

Drop us an email and get the ball rolling
In the meantime, grab all the details you need by downloading our Bespoke Designs Information Brochure here